Affordable Housing
- Archway Society for Domestic Peace (formerly Women's Transition Society)
- BC Housing Rental Assistance Program
- Care Homes & Independent Living (through NexusBC Seniors Services)
- CMHA (Canadian Mental Health Association)
- Gateway Shelter Brochure (PDF)
- Gateway Support Services for Men and Women -Turning Points Collaborative (formerly John Howard Society)
- HAFI (BC Housing Home Adaptations for Independence) - financial assistance to help eligible low-income seniors and people with disabilities in BC to continue to live in their home
- Housing - Turning Points (formerly John Howard Society)
- Independent Living Vernon
- John Howard Society - Howard House
- Native Housing Society, Vernon
- Rental Assistance Programs, BC Housing
- SAFER (Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters), BC Housing
- Seniors Housing Guide
- Vernon Survival Guide (Expanded) (PDF)
- Women's Transition House Society, Vernon (now Archway Society for Domestic Peace)