Food Programs
- Better Meals - home delivered meals. 1.888.838.1888
- Community Gardens
- Farmers Market, Vernon
- Food Action Society of the North Okanagan - a non-profit organization whose main task is to oversee the program development and coordination of several existing and future local Food Security programs.
- Food Bank, Vernon BC (Salvation Army)
- Food Programs and Food Security Resources in Vernon and area. Information on emergency food assistance and general food-related sources. Download pamphlet here. (500Kb PDF) Note: Pamphlet prints on legal-sized paper.
- Good Food Box - a volunteer, nonprofit, produce-buying fruit and vegetable cooperative for hundreds of families in the North Okanagan, offering high quality produce monthly for about half the retail cost. Supported in 2008 by the Food Action Society of the North Okanagan.
- Home for Dinner - fresh & frozen take-out meals. 250.549.3145
- Meals on Wheels Hot Meal Program. For convalescents, seniors, handicapped or disabled. Phone Schubert Centre at 250.549.4201 or email [email protected]
- Safeway Shopping Service for invalid seniors, shut-ins, and those needing temporary help with grocery shopping, including people recently discharged from hospital. Free delivery on Tuesdays only on orders over $35. Call 250.542.5328 or 250.545.2978 Tuesday only between 8 am and 10:30 am.
- Soil Mate - New database of local farms, wineries, and farmers' markets. Search internationally, too. Free to join.
- Victorian Pantry Meal Plan (affiliated with The Victorian Retirement Residence) Nutritious, affordable, home-delivered meals. 250.545.0470
- Vernon Survival Guide (Expanded) (PDF)