Housing /Homelessness

Overview of Housing/Homelessness Strategies

Collaborative Approach

A collaborative approach has been developed in Vernon to ensure that gaps along the complete housing spectrum are identified and addressed. The Partners in Action Committee develops and supports initiatives focused on decreasing homelessness while the City of Vernon’s Affordable Housing Committee reviews and approves municipal policies designed to increase the supply of affordable housing. The two groups work in conjunction to increase the number of non-market “affordable” housing for vulnerable populations (the Partner’s mandate) and market “attainable” housing for low to moderate income earners (the City’s mandate).  The Social Planning Council is an active member of both committees and provides a bridge and continuity between the two groups.

Vernon faces significant challenges in regard to homelessness as well as a lack of affordable housing. In 2019, the Social Planning Council launched Moving Forward: Building Homes, Strengthening Communities to help guide the development of programs and policies to address both these issues.  The report built on previous work done by the municipality, the Social Planning Council of the North Okanagan, and the Partners in Action Committee and provided recommendations for strategies that could be implemented in the next five years.  Moving Forward offers an opportunity to align the municipality, community partners, and other key stakeholders such as provincial and federal partners to a common set of strategies for Vernon.

Supporting Documents

Housing Guide

Housing Strategy

Homeless Counts - Results of Vernon's  Homeless Surveys