Partners in Action Overview

Vision Statement

A safe, healthy and crime-free environment in which to live, work, and grow.

Mission Statement

To identify and implement manageable solutions to the root causes of crime in our community by coordinating and mobilizing community based action teams.

What We Are

The Partners in Action Committee is a solution-oriented, community driven committee that addresses crime prevention through social development (CPTSD). We work mainly in the areas of housing, homelessness, recreation, food security and neighbourhood capacity building but take on other topics as well. Our goal is to problem solve by bringing the right partners to the table and creating real change on a community level.

What We Do

The Partners in Action Committee delivers! We create action teams that work together until problems are solved. There can be up to 15 to 20 action teams working at any given time and 50 to 60 different agencies, businesses and groups involved in the action teams. We are also the “home” for community strategies. We ensure that recommendations are followed through by organizing action teams to complete the strategies.

Description of Model

The Partners in Action Committee is a solution-oriented, community driven committee that addresses crime prevention through social development (CPTSD). CPTSD is a proven approach that focuses on strengthening the foundations of a community (for example, adequate housing, recreation, food security etc) thereby preventing crime at its root cause and increasing the overall health of the community.


  • Identify, describe & analyze specific community problems
  • Coordinate action teams to address the problems (goals & objectives)
  • Support action teams to implement solutions (resources and support)
  • Monitor & evaluate the results (determine impact on community)

Action Teams

The key to this model is to break down larger social and safety issues into manageable solutions. When an issue or problem is identified or brought forward to the coordinating committee, an action team is created. The task of the action team is to problem solve. Key players for the action team are recruited from the community based on the skills, knowledge and connections needed to reach a solution(s). Action teams can be created ad hoc or include already established committees in the community. Once a solution(s) is reached, the action team disbands.

Coordinating Committee

Members are recruited based on the skills and knowledge they bring to the table, in addition to representation of an agency or group. Each member will be responsible for linking the committee to their particular resources (committees, organizations, individuals who are knowledgeable in this area). The role of the Coordinating Committee is to identify problems and/or solutions and then create and oversee action teams.

Funding Sources

The main funder of the Partners in Action Committee is the City of Vernon.  The Social Planning Council applies for additional grants for action teams, if required, to senior levels of government and various foundations.


The Partners in Action Committee delivers! We create action teams that work together until problems are solved. There can be up to 15 to 20 action teams working at any given time and 50 to 60 different agencies, businesses and groups involved in the action teams. We are also the “home” for community strategies. We ensure that recommendations are followed through by organizing action teams to complete the strategies.

2019 Partners in Action FINAL REPORT


For more information, please contact the Social Planning Council at 250.540.8572, or by e-mail at [email protected].