
Partners in Action – Community Action

Areas of Action

The Partners in Action Committee believes that by focusing on the root causes of crime you increase the health and safety of the community. The Committee’s action teams have been formed around the following areas of focus. As issues continue to come to the table, other topics can be added to the list.

Current Areas of Focus

  • Food Security
  • Harm Reduction
  • Housing / Homelessness
  • Mental Health / Addictions
  • Neighbourhood Capacity


The Partners in Action Committee delivers! We create action teams that work together until problems are solved. There can be up to 15 to 20 action teams working at any given time and 50 to 60 different agencies, businesses and groups involved in the action teams. We are also the “home” for community strategies. We ensure that recommendations are followed through by organizing action teams to complete the strategies.

Collaborative Approach

A collaborative approach has been developed in Vernon to ensure that gaps along the complete housing spectrum are identified and addressed. The Partners in Action Committee develops and supports initiatives focused on decreasing homelessness while the City of Vernon’s Affordable Housing Committee reviews and approves municipal policies designed to increase the supply of affordable housing. The two groups work in conjunction to increase the number of non-market “affordable” housing for vulnerable populations (the Partner’s mandate) and market “attainable” housing for low to moderate income earners (the City’s mandate).  The Social Planning Council is an active member of both committees and provides a bridge and continuity between the two groups.